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You may think it is too soon to return to Valencia, but relax, because we still add some extra activities in our way back where we may purchase some local products.

We now ride along the old Nazaret road towards El Saler. And our first stop will be to take a look at some of our typical pastries; I always buy a “panquemado” in La beata Inés bakery. They are delicious and, since we could feel hungry again, perhaps we can decide to sit and have a “Horchata con fartons”, the most popular valencian drink to cool down the long  summer eves, or have any other food you may fancy for “ la merienda” ( snack time Spaniards have between lunch and dinner).


After walking we will be ready to take a typical Spanish lunch; we will gratefully sit in the restaurant to have our starters while the traditional valencian rice with chicken (paella valenciana) is being cooked. During and after our meal together is a fantastic chance for you to practise Spanish, either having a little chat with our local expert, a friendly conversation with the restaurant manager or even requiring the waitress services. Remember to name your needs and to request her politely.


Do not forget your notebook!


Lunch will be followed by the traditional “sobremesa”, the time Spaniards dedicate after a meal to discussing current affairs whilst allowing their meal to digest. This is a further opportunity to engage in conversation.

Afterwards, you will enjoy a guided visit to Dragut Cave.



Next stop
Back home
Santuario de la Virgen del Castillo


Along the way to Cullera we will stop to admire the views from El mirador del Santuario de la Virgen del Castillo. From here you can see the whole town and coastal area. We then walk down to the town centre along El Camino del Calvario (the path Jesus was meant to walk to the Calvary mountain where He was crucified).

Our goal is to offer you different activities to learn and improve your Spanish communication skills by exploring the Valencian Community with a fully qualified native Valencian teacher.

There are beautiful places around Valencia and we aim to share it with you. 


Car is packed... ready to hit the road!

Playa del Dossel


And, as you all may know, there is not a good meal without a good “siesta” in Spain. This will take place in our next stop, the Dossel Beach.

In the spring and summer the long stretch of Blue Flag beaches of Comunidad Valenciana are popular.  Five of them belong to 13km of Cullera´s littoral. We can relax on the white sandy beach, hang out, have a short snooze (siesta), play “palas” or do a walk along this vibrant stretch of coast. Of course, there’s always good old-fashioned swimming.

La Albufera


And right after El Perelló, we will arrive to La Albufera, the must see of Valencia. One of the most scenic areas and the greatest treasures that valencian citizens possess. We will admire this protected natural park and its fauna during our boat trip, which will be taken right before dusk. You will overlook the spectacular sunset while the gentle sea breezes keep you cool as you enjoy the perfect end to the day.





The next stop, a very common custom, to buy vegetables direct from the crops in El Perelló, our well known Huerta Valenciana (market garden). Let´s do our groceries shopping like in the old times!!

We will meet Amparo, who owes her own piece of land and sells her products on the road. Here is another chance to carry on with your language practise. As you collect from the garden whatever you need to purchase, you learn new names for the local food. Once you cook them at home, you will discover an exclusive taste from the best quality of vegetables.





Cova del dragut


You will be picked up from your accomodation and driven towards Cullera. 


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